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Dostępność: Dostępny
Czas wysyłki: 48 godzin
Koszt wysyłki: od 12,00 zł
Numer katalogowy: ORK771
Stan magazynowy:
Zestaw lamp indukcyjnych Reelight RL771
Stałe światło z przodu i z tyłu wraz z podtrzymaniem z tyłu
The RL 700 is the right choice if you need a bike light which lights up the road where there is little or no street lighting. It is a no-friction dynamo with a front light with a powerful beam and which throws a wide cone of light onto the carriageway.
The bike light has side position lights which emit the light through small holes at angles of as much as 270°, greatly increasing visibility in the traffic. Both the front and rear lights have E-approved reflectors. The front light is fitted to the fork crown above the front wheel. The rear light is fitted to either the luggage carrier or the seat post depending on which model you choose.
RL700 front and rear lights are powered by a dynamo which is mounted on the seat stay. The bike light produces its own environmentally friendly induction power by means of a coil in the dynamo and magnets on the bicycle spokes – completely without the use of batteries. The lights are permanently mounted, so you always have them with you. The light is always on whenever you cycle, which makes you extra safe in the traffic – day and night.
Magnet-powered bike lights mean no more flat batteries, no forgotten bike lights, no friction when you cycle – just lights which are always on and always safe.RL700 is sold as a set with front and rear lights.
Zawsze włączona – zawsze bezpieczna (redukuje ryzyko wypadku o 32%)
Zasilanie indukcyjne
Przednia lampa z silnym strumieniem światła
Lampa tył świeci również po zatrzymaniu roweru
Maksymalne rozproszenie światła (również na boki)
Brak konieczności stosowania baterii
Auto On/Off
Prosty i szybki montaż na uchwyty do widelca (P) i sztycy (T)
Brak oporów i tarcia jak przy zwykłym dynamie
Klosze z E-homologacją
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